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Blue Star Print Solutions

Friday, 23 March 2012


Are you socialising in business yet? How about your tweeting or posting to Facebook? What about videos...?

These social media markets are expanding rapidly - and as they expand they're being picked up by bigger companies on the interaction of people. Take for example Google - who changed their algorithms to incoporate video feeds and social media exposure. If you're not using those avenues for your business and your competition is - they have the upper hand! Remember content is king in the SEO world - so if you're using all relative channels to support your business, you can sit back and pat yourself on the back (well don't sit back - just pat yourself on the back).

Just in case you haven't heard - we're using social media as much as we can. Take a look at our links below - click on them and I look forward to tweeting/posting/commenting with you.

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